air measure android
air measure android


Sensors Overview

MostAndroid-powereddeviceshavebuilt-insensorsthatmeasuremotion,orientation,andvariousenvironmentalconditions....Measurestheambientairpressure ...

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Air quality

Through Air Quality, you can monitor the air quality of the place where you are and check which activities are not recommended in the event of pollution.

AirMeasure - Tape Measure & Ruler

Download AirMeasure - Tape Measure & Ruler 1.5 APK for Android right now. No extra costs. User ratings for AirMeasure - Tape Measure & Ruler: 1.


2023年6月14日 — AirMeasure is a free Android app developed by Laan Labs that allows users to measure anything using the power of augmented reality on their ...


AirMeasure - Free Augmented Reality Ruler and Tape Measure app. 15+ Tools for measuring and design in AR.

AR Ruler App

AR Ruler app uses augmented reality technology (AR) to tape measure room, home, house, homescapes with your phone camera. Target aim on the detected plane ...

Laan Labs

Air Measure. The most sophisticated Augmented Reality Measuring Tape for iOS & Android. With over 15 unique tools, AirMeasure is one of the most used ...

Sensors Overview

Most Android-powered devices have built-in sensors that measure motion, orientation, and various environmental conditions. ... Measures the ambient air pressure ...

Using Quick Measure on my Samsung Phone

2024年4月17日 — Galaxy phones with a DepthVision Camera allows you to capture Distance, Area, 3D Measurements, Length and Human Height. Follow the below guide ...

在App Store 上的「AirMeasure - AR Tape & Ruler」

AirMeasure™ is The Ultimate Augmented Reality Measuring ToolKit with over 15+ unique modes to create the most accurate measurements possible.


ThroughAirQuality,youcanmonitortheairqualityoftheplacewhereyouareandcheckwhichactivitiesarenotrecommendedintheeventofpollution.,DownloadAirMeasure-TapeMeasure&Ruler1.5APKforAndroidrightnow.Noextracosts.UserratingsforAirMeasure-TapeMeasure&Ruler:1.,2023年6月14日—AirMeasureisafreeAndroidappdevelopedbyLaanLabsthatallowsuserstomeasureanythingusingthepowerofaugmentedrealityontheir ...,AirMe...